Sunday, March 01, 2009

8 months 32(33) weeks

Well I was supposed to take this picture last Monday and just got around to it today so it is a week later than it should be. I am 33 weeks tomorrow which is in my 8th month! I can't believe it, only 7 more weeks at the most and still no name. This is very unlike me, and making me nervous. I need to start picking things up...diapers, baby bath, lotion, nail clippers, a couple of kinds of paci's. I am feeling good, her movements are beginning to hurt sometimes, but I am treasuring every one of them. I am hearing a lot of, wow you really popped out there this week, so I guess I am a bit bigger. I think the only way is to compare to last months pictures! Enjoy.

1 comment:

Auntie said...

Cute photos! How about a name suitable for the President of the United States; like, Elizabeth, Morgan, Alexandra, or Victoria?

Caroline Jane? Jeanne? Lee? Taylor? Brooklyn? Braden?

You could wait until she arrives and you can see what she looks like. Maybe a name will pop into you head when you look at her. One of my friends named her daughter Jordin because her husband was reading Sports Illustrated at the hospital--an article about Michael Jordan.