Monday, June 21, 2010

Jack Gordon turns 3

Okay so it is a week or two late, but things have been busy. I can't believe my baby boy is 3! He is so big and still so full of life. He has no fear and thinks he can do whatever any older kid can do. He is still a mama's boy through and through. We started potty training a week or so before his birthday and though we have had some accidents along the way he is doing fairly well. He loves Toy Story so that was the theme of his party! Jack has and always has had the ability to make people laugh. From before he should have been able to comprehend it, he would do things just to make people laugh at him, and he still does. He is our little ball of never-ending energy and such a blessing. So here is your look back at Jack from the beginning.

Jack the night he was born.

Jack at 1
Jack at 2
And at 3!
I love this face! I have no idea what he was doing this about but I think it is funny.
Yes, he desperately needed a haircut, and we went the next week. Here he is at home opening his gifts from us.

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