Monday, April 09, 2012

Easter 2012

Our first Easter Sunday in Oklahoma was beautiful. The weather was perfect and remembering what our Savior sacrificed for us was wonderful! Of course, y'all would worry about me if my kiddos didn't dress up and coordinate on a holiday, right? Well, just so I don't disappoint...

The kids before church and before getting to check out what the Easter Bunny brought!

I let them get their baskets and put it in front of them, but not get into it! Mean right? Well, everyone complied except Elijah and Emorie!
The kids at church after our church egg hunt!
The boys! I think they are so handsome!

My beautiful girls!

And just too cute not to post! Elijah caught on very quickly to the egg hunting. He would get one egg and a time and take it to Richard, who held his bucket, and then go back for another! He loved it and became VERY possessed with his bucket!

We hope this finds you all having had a blessed weekend and a very Happy Easter! Praise God, He is Alive!

Sunday, April 08, 2012

A lot of Catching Up To Do

Well hello my blog reading friends. I know, for those of you who check on us, I have left you disappointed lately, but here is a complete update from Christmas until yesterday. I will post an Easter post soon. So there are a lot of pictures, I tried to get at least one from each event.

In early January, Michal Kate received the Extreme Eagle award (citizenship award) again for her class. She is a smart little girl. She is reading up to a 6th grade level and just earned 200 AR points last week. She also got new glasses in February so look for those in later pictures.

In early February I started potty training Emorie. What started out as an easy adventure has turned into a mess, literally. We are still working on it, but we have back tracked a lot.

Just before Valentine's day it snowed and school was canceled. We took advantage of a sled that was given to us and went down to the little park in our neighborhood. We all had a great time and as always the beauty of the snow reminded me of the purity of Christ! Beautiful!Our Valentine's Day Shot!

Noah's school program! He was one of the chickens.
Though hard to believe, Michal Kate turned 8 on February 18! Gram and Papa were able to come in for the party which was at a self serve yogurt bar called Cherry Berry. Snoopy was the theme and several of her new friends were able to attend!
On February 24, I finally took Elijah for his much needed first haircut. I can't get over how much they grow up just by cutting off some of the hair. He started out okay, but ended up hating it!

Michal Kate and her friend Avery Kate at their program about Space. (MK's new glasses)

Just before Spring Break we had Noah's birthday party at the local YMCA. The kids swam for a long time and then we enjoyed cake. As you can see Connor, Noah's cousin and BFF was able to come along with his family , Gramma and Gran Gran, and Richard's sister and her family!
I can't believe he is 7! Harry Potter was the theme!
For Spring Break the kids and I went to Dallas to visit my family. Gram planned some fun things for us while we were there which included a trip to Legoland!

While we were gone Jack's team played the first game of his first soccer season...oops we missed it. But, the next week we were ready to play! He loves it, and plays hard for the most part and crazy enough, talks a lot of smack!
This past week, Noah began his 4th season of baseball, but first season of machine pitch! Okay, there...whew....are you tired! Things continue to be busy around here but we love it. Emorie's birthday is this week, Easter today, ball games, dance, and some long awaited trips are in the near future. I will try to be better about keeping this updated!