Saturday, June 18, 2011

Jack Jack is 4

It doesn't seem like 4 years ago, but it has. Jack Gordon turns 4 in a matter of hours. God blessed us richly with this little boy. He is full of life and loves to make people laugh and has for as long as he could tell when others were laughing. He loves to say "Are you serious" and his biggest insult is to call you a "gingius" translation....genius. He is a great big brother and a typical little brother. He loves Star Wars but at the same time can buckle down and play games with Emorie or MK. He is already reading a few sight words, and I honestly think he is smarter than all of us, and when he figures that out, we are in trouble. He is my baby! I am so thankful that God chose us to have such a special little boy like you. Happy birthday, Buddy!

Jack 1 day old

1 year2 years

3 yearsand one of his 4 year pictures

Friday, June 03, 2011

End of the Year Awards

Mk and Noah both received awards at the end of the school year. I couldn't be more proud of each of them. I knew that MK was going to get a top 10 AR award because we had been working towards the medal and CiCi's trip all year. Little did I know was that Noah would come home and tell me he was in the top 10 for Kindergarten and was getting to go to CiCi's as well! So proud of both of them for being the 6th highest point readers in their grades! They both got to go to CiCi's for an AR party, received medals, and gift certificates to Hastings which they enjoyed spending on more books!

MK also received 2 awards at the all school awards ceremony. She received all A's all year long and earned a t-shirt. She was also selected for the reading award for her class! I am so happy that MK and Noah love to read! Their imaginations just go everywhere especially after they have finished reading. We were so blessed with 2 great teachers this year for our kids and am thankful they had a fantastic year!

Kindergarten Graduation

So proud of Noah. He graduated Kindergarten and his teacher told me that he had a fabulous year. Kindergarten graduation I think is a scam to make mom's cry! I can't believe he is old enough to be done and going into 1st grade. They sang a sweet little program, and got to wear graduation caps, and saw a slide show of their year. Then the next afternoon they sent home a trophy and in their end of the year report card he got his Kindergarten diploma!
The graduate

Noah and Mrs. Lawings
What a fun year. It won't be too long and I will look back at this at his high school graduation!

A little Heat

Noah was so blessed to get to play t-ball on the same team as last year. Such a great staff of coaches, fun parents, and great kids to spend the season with! I tried to take some pictures throughout the season and put them up including the end of year party.
I love this picture. I think I am going to frame it for his room!

Batter up. Noah did great hitting off the tee and even some pitches. The one game I missed for something else, he hit is off a pitch and to the fence! Way to go Noah Paul!

Looking out
The awesome party cake
the coveted trophy

Thursday, June 02, 2011

A little late but Elijah 7 months

Time flies when you're having fun. Elijah turned 7 months the week we made our move here to Ponca City so I am very late getting this post up! It is so weird to me that the home my other 4 know is the only home he will never remember! He is sitting up on his own, beginning to belly laugh, and trying to army crawl. I am sure it won't be long and he will be everywhere. He is beginning to really get into eating baby food, though it isn't helping our nights any! He is a delight. He is a final baby that is for sure, and unfortunately, I treat him that way. I am afraid everything his does new is bittersweet to me because it is the last first time, if that makes any sense at all. So here are the pictures.