Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Outdoor Daze

On Friday, January 7 after school the kids wanted to go outside and play. The weather was gorgeous so I sent them on. They climbed on the leaf covered trampoline and I grabbed the camera! I love the pictures. Hard to imagine that just 2 days later we would be out there again in a winter wonderland.

I love these pictures of their faces in the leaves. I didn't take one of Elijah but after the snow melt, if my leaves are still there I just might have to get him out there so I can frame them!
Sunday, January 9 in the early hours of the morning the sleet began. Then during church that morning the ginormous flakes began to fall and cover everything. The kids got to play in the snow for 2 days and it was wonderful. Here it is Wednesday and our yard is still mostly covered. I love it. Somehow this born and raised Texas girl, often thinks I should have been raised up North as much as I love the cold and snow. We did everything from building a Snowman, making Snow-Cream, Snow angels, and the occasional snow ball fight.

With our snowman.

Snow Cream
Being that Jack, Eme, and I are the only ones that liked it I will spare you the pictures of the others eating their courtesy bite!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Elijah 2 months

On January 2 Elijah Richard was two months old. I can't believe how fast time is flying. He started smiling and cooing the 21st of December! There is nothing like those first intentional smiles and coos. He like to lay in warm water with a wash cloth over him (thanks Aunt Tracy), but as soon as you apply soap and then again lotion after the bath, he screams his head off. He is still waking up several times during the night, but also likes to put himself to bed in then evenings with only the help of mommy putting his "happy" in his mouth a couple of times. Though he is super colicky, I am trying very hard to savor every baby moment since he is my last little one.
At his two month check up he weighed in at 11 lbs 7 oz, almost 5lbs since birth, he was 24" long, and his head was 17". Which puts him in the 50% for weights and 95% for his height, and 97% for his head.
Happy Boy
With his bear
I don't know how many of you have seen my scrapbook of Jackson Connor, or even remember, but he looks just like Jackson in this picture (Just Bigger). Brings tears to my eyes every time I look at it along with a smile.
And sitting in front of the tree. It came down the next day so we had to take advantage.

Family Pictures 2010

We had an appointment for 3 weeks straight to get our family pictures taken this year. It is the first time we have had them done since Jack was 6 months old or so. Due to the stomach virus deciding to take up residence in our home for over 9 weeks we had a hard time getting there, but finally the Monday before Christmas it happened. I am so pleased and highly recommend my photographer who happens to be a friend of mine! The only downside to this day was it was a little cold and Emorie wasn't in the mood!
All of us
It started with favorite shot of us!
The 5 kids (MK Said she was praying Eme didn't drop Elijah)
Love this one
Miss Prim and Proper
Miss Attitude
The Boys
The End

Monday, January 10, 2011

Castleman Christmas

The Monday after Christmas we made the 5 hour drive to Houston to be with the Castleman Crew. This is the first Christmas in 4 years we have all been together at the same time. We gathered at Gramma and Gran Gran's to eat and open gifts.

Gran Gran being Santa...that was something!

Uncle Aaron, Cade, and Zane looking at the iTouch
Aunt Cindy got Michal Kate come hands on gifts and had the pleasure of helping her with them. Cambri was intrigued as well.The best friends and cousins...Connor and Noah

Aunt Cindy, Cambri, and Carlee Jo

On Wednesday we loaded the kids up and took them all to CiCi's and Pump It Up! They had a blast. And, the adults did some playing too!
Aunt Janetta and Elijah
Jack and Cambri LOVED playing together, besties in the making
Noah having fun
Aunt Cindy and Elijah
This looks complicated! Uncle Paul, Collin, Elijah, and RichardWe even ended up staying an extra day and Gramma and Gran Gran watched MK, Noah, Jack, and Emorie and Richard and I could go on a date! Freebirds and Harry Potter! It was awesome. And I only missed 20 minutes of the movie with Elijah!

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Christmas at Home

We came home from mom and dad's on Christmas night and went to our church Sunday morning. Then we ventured to Mt. Pleasant for lunch, which is a very rare occasion on a Sunday for us, and a little shopping afterwards. After night church we had our Christmas as a family.

Believe it or not this was the first shot I took!

Daddy and the kids, again first shot.
Mommy and the kids
I will tell you one thing...the paper and boxes were flying everywhere, but it was a lot of fun.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Christmas Part 1

On Christmas Eve we went to my parents house to celebrate our tradition Christmas with my family. Though some were sick and others injured all in all it was a wonderful time. My mom outdid herself as she does every year on the gifts, and the house was full of smiles and laughter.

Mom and Dad by the tree

A first ever shot, I believe, of me with my siblings and our spouses. (Wow my brother looks really tall!)
My sisters family
My brothers family
And the best attempt with our family
the 9 grandkids
And My 5 before bed Christmas EveHope yours was a very Merry Christmas to be followed by a blessed New Year