Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Three Months Old

On September 19 Jack turned 3 months. He is doing so good, and somewhat getting over his desire to be help all the time. Not completely but we are getting there. He has the most precious little personality and he loves to smile. He especially likes to smile at his big sister! On Sept. 17 he finally found his laugh! He still has a hard time getting it out but when he does it is so funny. He has also discovered his hands and he loves to hold them. These are just a few of the pictures I took on his 3 month birthday. I am continually amazed and how much God has blessed me with my 3 precious children and a wonderful husband.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Sick Baby Jack

Baby Jack has had a cold of sorts for the past month. On Wednesday morning he spit up some blood 3 different times. So we quickly called the doctor and took him in. After running a chest x-ray and a blood panel he referred me to a specialist in Longview. The doctor looked at all the lab results and admitted Jack immediately to the hospital for at least 48 hours. There was a fuzzy spot on his x-ray meaning a viral infection of sorts, but he was also showing up fairly anemic. The numbers we not coming up as they should, instead they were dropping. They went ahead and released us on Friday evening to come back again on Sunday and rerun the lab work. When we did, the numbers had started to come up. God has been so good to watch over us and Jack over this last week. We go back to the doctor on Wednesday to get checked out and possibly rerun the labs again. Please pray for complete healing and that the labs will all come back better than normal. He was such a trooper and overall really happy while we were there. He wasn't crazy about not being able to bend his arm because of the "no no" board to safe guard his IV port for his antibiotics, but other than that he was a fantastic baby. He doesn't even mind his breathing treatments. As you know, I don't go anywhere without my camera, so here are some pictures of our stay at Good Shepherd.